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  • Writer's pictureKimber Severance

Book Project: The Dragon Witch 

Updated: Feb 7

My debut novel The Dragon Witch is finished and is now in the querying process! I officially finished writing it in November 2023 and sent query letters out to several literary agents in November and December. I'm now in the process of waiting to hear back from literary agents while also sending out more query letters. It's an exciting time. Wish me luck!

As I send query letters to literary agents and wait to hear back from them, I am also weighing my options between potentially publishing traditionally or going ahead and self-publishing instead.

On the one hand, traditional publishing is a popular end goal for many authors and affords a lot of benefits like being picked up by a real publishing house, getting physical copies of the book into more physical locations, and a more robust marketing team that comes with an established publishing company. But the self-publishing route is becoming more and more feasible for authors like me and also affords certain benefits like the ability to publish at my own schedule. 

The Dragon Witch will be the first book in a trilogy series that follows the story of a witch huntress named Arlo. 

Arlo Silverbane didn't have a lot of experience with belonging. But that didn't matter so long as she fulfilled her role, as the most promising up-and-coming hunter in the Norwen witch hunting clan. Her sole purpose is to track down and eviscerate the demon familiars the witches of long ago left behind, and she's damn good at her job. That is, until she's accused of being one of them, one of the very things she was raised to hunt and kill . . .

If you're affiliated with a publishing house and are interested in making any kind of inquiries about this book project, feel free to contact me at

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